A biennial, high-yielding mixture of grass seed that, thanks to an ‘Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. Westerwoldicum´, provides not only a high yield of green mass, but also improves the quality of fodder in the sowing year as well as in the first year of use, when the early clover is harvested. In both years you can mow the grass 3-4 times.
The mentioned ‘Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. Westerwoldicum´ is also an excellent crop for other arable crops to ensure soil fertility.
Sowing rate: 35 - 40 kg / ha
ATTENTION! Must be sown without cover crop!
- early red clover 36%,
- timothy 24%,
- annual ryegrass 40%
Available in 10 kg bags.
Seeds are certified according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 152 and the European Union directives.