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P2-A seed mixture with red clover and cover crop

Retail price: 4,06 €/kg
Wholesale price : 3,45€/kg
Amount: 40,60 €

Agrotechnical characteristics

Min. soil fertility


Used for


Minimum soil Ph


Seed depth, cm

1.0 - 2.0

Sowing rate, kg / ha



Seed mixture for quick and high-quality fodder in sowing year - with red clover and cover crop.

This mixture is based on our experience in preparing special seed mixtures for individual customers who needed forage already in the sowing year. Over the past 3 years, we have made sure of the good productivity of this mixture in production conditions in Latvia. The total productive period will be 3-4 years. In all years you can get 3 harvests from one field!

Sowing rate: 35 - 40 kg / ha. Must be sown without cover crop.



  • red clover 14%
  • hybrid ryegrass 43%
  • fescue      9%
  • annual ryegrass 34%


Seeds are certified according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 152 and the European Union directives.

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