Alfalfa variety "GEA" is specially selected for use in Scandinavian countries. A high-yielding variety with good winter hardiness, drought resistance and very good regrowth ability.
Sowing rate: 20 - 25 kg/ha.
The seeds have already been treated with nitragin!
In a 1 kg package, the seeds are without nitragin treatment.
Lucerne is perennial, high quality fodder plant with a very good forage quality.
Lucerne’s extensive root system enables the crop to produce good yields even under relatively dry conditions. It’s perennial nature means that once successfully established reliable production could be expected for the following 4 years.
Lucerne can be grown on a wide variety of sites and soil types. The main criteria is to establish on a site where a fine and firm seedbed can be established. Lucerne will not in general tolerate a waterlogged soil and this is commonly the cause of die out over winter.
It should be noted that frequent sprouting of young shoots and low mowing for this herb is not recommended. What is more, to have a good winter tolerance in Latvia, the Lucerne is cultivated for the last time in late September or the first half of October.
Seeds must be treated with nitrogen before sowing.
Seeds are certified according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 152 and the European Union directives.